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Energy Efficiency Benefits to Help Your Business Thrive

Every business is looking to cut costs and boost efficiency. However, what often gets forgotten about is the need to create sustainable solutions that will reduce waste and energy consumption.  

Environmentally friendly solutions not only help your business contribute to a greener world, but they also can attract employees and support from eco-positive causes. Through SOCA, energy-efficient solutions can even save you money.  

SOCA offers two distinct eco-friendly benefits, The Chamber Energy Savings Program and the Chamber Sustainability Program.  

If ways to save money on your business's energy costs, or energy efficiency benefits for your business, then these two programs are great ways to accomplish these goals. This is especially relevant in the winter when temperatures get colder and the sun sets earlier. In this post, we will take a deeper dive into each of these two programs and how they can help your business thrive.  

What Can the Chamber Energy Program Offer My Business? 

The Chamber Energy Program is one of the best ways for your business to implement renewable energy solutions, reduce your carbon footprint, and reduce your energy savings.  

This program gives your business five unique perks that will significantly save your business on energy bills. We will explore them below.  

Low fixed prices for electricity and natural gas 

This perk, caps your electricity and natural gas costs and makes your month-to-month energy and gas spending more reliable. 

Contract renewal management 

Renewing your energy contracts can be a stressful process. This perk provides you with the expert advice you need to get the best deal for your next contract.  

Natural gas sales tax exemptions for restaurants and non-profits 

For restaurants and non-profits only, this perk exempts you from paying steep taxes on your natural gas usage.  

Utility lighting rebate 

Your business can get funds back on your utility lighting costs. This helps keep your spaces well-lit while cutting down on costs.  

Electric and natural gas procurement 

This perk ensures that your business never overpays in electric or natural gas costs while maintaining a healthy supply.  

While these five main perks can provide your business with significant savings, perhaps the biggest perk of this benefit is that you have the unique opportunity to work with the experts at Clean Energy Associates (CEA) to help with your utility and cost management needs. The CEA will analyze and shop for supply options to provide members with additional savings, including: 

- Low fixed prices for electricity and natural gas 

- Favorable contract terms and conditions for your energy procurement needs 

- Contract renewal management to help you avoid costly variable rates 

- Natural gas sales tax exemptions for non-profits, manufacturers, and restaurants 

These perks are designed to produce significant savings for your business. They also go hand-in-hand with one another to compound your savings. 

How can SOCA's programs add value to your business and empower employees? Learn more here! 

What Can the Chamber Sustainability Program Offer My Business? 

While the Chamber Energy Program is designed to help save your business money, the Chamber Sustainability Program is designed to reduce your carbon footprint and provide energy solutions that your business can use every day.  

These energy efficiency solutions and project funding perks cover a wide range of applications and suit many different kinds of businesses. These perks maximize your ROI by using an array of federal, state, and local rebates, grants, incentives, and other funding options.  

Below is the full list of all the products and services you can reduce your spending on with the Chamber Sustainability Program. 


On-Site Solar 

If your site is looking for solar panels on your property, this program can save you on the cost of the panels and installation costs. 

LED Lighting  

LED lighting is more energy efficient than more traditional bulbs. This perk can help you save on implementing LED lighting into your business.  

Rebates and Grants 

Rebates give you money back on your established spending, and grants are free money from government bodies that you get for certain stipulations like green energy programs or similar environmentally friendly terms.  

Energy Efficiency Audits 

If you are wondering where your business stands in terms of energy efficiency, then an audit can help you determine your progress and what you need to do to improve.  

EV Charging Stations 

If your business or your employees use electric vehicles, then implementing EV charging stations can represent a huge perk. The Chamber Sustainability Program can help reduce the cost of installation.  

Real-Time Monitoring 

The Sustainability Program offers real-time monitoring that gives you up-to-the-minute results on your energy consumption. 

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) 

RECs serve as energy consumption substitutes that offset energy consumption for your business or even your employees' homes.  

What are RECs? Learn more in this blog! 

These programs are here to help you reduce your energy costs while also making your business greener. Reach out to your chamber to see if they offer these two eco-friendly SOCA benefits.  

Environmental Sustainability Solutions with SOCA 

Discovering ways to save your business on energy spending is one of the best things you can do to set yourself up for long-term sustainability. Energy consumption is at an all-time high, and winter causes businesses to run their heaters and keep their lights on longer. In short, this means that any way you can reduce spending on energy will help you stay a cut above the competition.  

SOCA can also help you make your business more sustainable accomplishing initiatives such as installing solar panels, implementing LED lighting, and building EV charging stations.  

The Chamber Savings Program and the Chamber Sustainability Program both work together to make your energy spending more efficient. Check to see if your chamber offers this SOCA perk.  

Interested in learning more about how SOCA can save you on energy spending? Click here to reach out today! 

For more tips and information on chamber of commerce benefits, follow SOCA on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn

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