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The SOCA Chamber Energy Program saved this Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber Energy Program, powered by Community Energy Advisors (CEA), isn't just about saving money on electricity and gas in the short term. It's about having a partner that looks out for your members best interests and helps them manage that budget long term. Electricity and natural gas rates have been climbing in the past few months making it important to mitigate those increases by locking in your rates as soon as possible. With the Chamber Energy Program, there are no additional fees (monthly or otherwise), no promises of a gift card or rebate for staying in a high variable rate, just competitive fixed pricing and contract management to ensure you don't erode your savings by forgetting to renew. Not only do members participate in this program, but the chambers themselves are able to benefit from CEA's services and earn non-dues revenue to support their mission.

Ever since the gas & electric industries were deregulated, I would choose an alternate supplier and save lots of money. However, I would always miss the renewal date, or I would miss the fine print in the contract and the end result was I spent a lot more than if I had just stayed with Duke. Enter Community Energy Advisors: they researched all the options for me, taking into account the fine print. They recommended a company and a term, and I will save over $500 this year on my gas and electric and I won't have to worry about any of the "gotchas" that I've run into in the past. I'm thrilled to have CEA taking this off my plate and giving me a better result than I would get if I were doing it myself.

-Andrea Brady, Executive Director, Milford Miami Township Chamber of Commerce 

If you are interested in learning more about offering the Chamber Energy Program to your members, please email Kathy Elseser at . If you or one of your members would like a quote, simply email a copy of your most recent electric and gas bills to  and someone from our Medina, Ohio based team will follow up with you.

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