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Why Identity Theft Protection is an Important Employee Benefit

Giving your employees peace of mind comes in many different forms. 

Your employees likely already rely on you for benefits like health insurance, 401(k)s, and retirement plans, but one benefit that can go a long way toward making your employees feel secure is identity theft protection. 

Identity theft can take many different forms, but one of the most heinous incidents is employee/employment identity theft, where a thief steals an employees social security number and uses it to apply for jobs or pass a background check. This can lead to long-term ramifications that can throw your employees careers into jeopardy. 

According to the Federal Trade Commission , there were 1.4 million reports of identity theft against Americans in 2021 alone. Further, AARP estimates that 42 million Americans were victims of identity theft in 2021, with the vast majority not realizing they were victimized. These thefts will have negative effects on these Americans in the years to come. 

It is no wonder that identity theft protection is one of the top benefits that employees look for in new jobs. 

In this post, we will quickly outline the importance of identity theft protection as a benefit, and why your business should implement employee identity protection immediately.

Why Your Business Needs to Implement Employee Identity Theft Protection 

It has become clear that identity theft protection will be a core benefit for businesses in the near future. 

Here are a few reasons your business should implement identity theft protection immediately. 

Identity Theft Protection Helps Attract and Retain Top Talent 

It is no surprise that those businesses with the best benefits attract and retain top industry talent. Identity theft protection is no different. 

If your company offers identity theft and your rivals do not, it could be the tipping point that sets your business apart. 

There is an Undeniable Need for Identity Protection 

Identity theft is on the rise and your employees careers and capital are at stake. 

The bad news: instances of identity theft are on the rise worldwide. As technology makes the world smaller and smaller, anyone from any corner of the globe can participate in sophisticated identity theft with little or no ramifications. 

Identity theft protection will help give your employees peace of mind and ensure that their information is safe. 

Identity Theft Protection is Attractive to Everyone 

This is one benefit that everyone wants. It doesnt matter if your employees are fresh to the workforce or nearing retirement, identity theft protection is one benefit that will appeal to them. 

Why? Identity thieves do not discriminate when looking for targets. 

Identity Theft Protection Helps Protect Your Companys Bottom Line 

Protection from identity theft does more than just protect your employees valued information, it can also help your business save money. 

Why? Because employee identity theft protection: 

  • Reduces corporate risk 
  • Reduces employee disengagement 
  • Reduces reputation damage 
  • Keeps corporate security relevant 
  • Reduces the risk of litigation 

IDShield Offers You the Best Employee Identity Protection 

SOCA prides itself on staying aware of threats to your Ohio business. That is why we partner with only the best sources  when it comes to keeping your assets secure. 

IDShield offers best-in-class personal data monitoring, Social Security number monitoring, credit monitoring, and privacy and reputation management. If your identity is stolen, we dont give up until it is restored. Enjoy these benefits and more at a SOCA price. 

For the best in terms of employee identity theft solutions for your Ohio small business at the best prices, reach out to IDShield today!

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