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SOCA Annual Meeting Recap

It was so great to see so many of our members at the SOCA Annual Meeting to listen to their successes and challenges.  

If you missed this fantastic event, fear not! This post will recap everything that happened so you can get all the information your small business needs to thrive.

A Look Back at the SOCA 2024 Annual Meeting 

Our team was so pleased with the outcome of the SOCA 2024 Annual Meeting, and we feel that it was our best one yet! We had such a fantastic turnout, but we understand that not everyone who wanted to attend had the opportunity to do so. For that reason, we created this quick recap.  

The three keynote speakers gave detailed talks about challenges facing small businesses and some innovations that Chamber of Commerce leaders need to be aware of.  

There were four reoccurring themes discussed at this year's Annual Meeting. Let's take a closer look at each one below. 

Innovation is the Antidote to Complacency 

Innovation means addressing the challenges of the day in creative and groundbreaking ways. It involves being flexible in your thought processes and intentional in your use of resources. Don't be afraid to think outside of the box, try something new, or experience multi-modal approaches when it comes to tackling your biggest problems. And, as always, reach out for help from your Chamber leadership and benefit providers if you find yourself with your back against the wall. 

Using the Chamber Portal to Plan for the Future 

SOCA members can use the Chamber Portal for many of the resources they need to help them plan and strategize for the future. You can find the Chamber Portal here. This invaluable resource provides Chambers with innovative tools that help them plan better, make better decisions, and implement workable strategies. 

Evolve, Embrace Change, and Engage 

Those businesses that are flexible and poised to address the needs of the future will always succeed. That includes a willingness to accept new ways of thinking, a desire to understand shifting landscapes and adapt to meet new challenges, and an eagerness to work with SOCA and your local Chamber to make the most of your resources. Those businesses that do these three things will always outperform those that do not. 

Chamber of Commerce Score Card 

Rather than getting together once a year or even once a quarter to discuss best practices, the best thing SOCA can do to help small businesses thrive is to measure their success on a few key data points and provide feedback with a concise scorecard. 

Unlock the secrets of membership numbers with this exciting six-part video series from SOCA! Dive into "The Numbers on Membership," starting with a history lesson and a motivating pep talk. Learn why relying solely on membership revenue can be tricky in the long run and why your Board needs this info before making any decisions. Get ready for a thrilling journey into the world of business numbers! 

Speakers Galore! 

Now that we have discussed some of the themes of the SOCA 2024 Annual Meeting, let's look at some of the details of the keynote addresses. 

Drew Dinkelacker 

In an address called "AI and the Marketing Flywheel," Drew spent his keynote speech discussing the rise of artificial intelligence or AI. AI is highly relevant to how small businesses function today and its use as a research and content creation tool will only increase in the coming years. 

Drew gave a live demonstration on how to use one of the most popular free AI platforms available, Chat GPT. In his demonstration, Matt showed the audience how to use Chat GPT to scale Chamber goals and learn more about the benchmarks leadership should set for the best chances of success. 

As the Owner of Marketing Accelerator, Drew brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table, guiding businesses through the dynamic landscape of AI-driven marketing strategies. 

Mark Perone 

Mark used his speech to discuss the innovative marketing technique known as WIN4. In addition, he discussed the use of HubSpot and how it can be used to automate member leads for more efficient marketing success. 

The Owner of Rethink Revenue, Mark brings a deep understanding of the evolving marketing landscape, and he shared his invaluable perspective on how to best drive revenue through marketing. 

Matt Appenzeller 

The President and CEO of SOCA, Matt discussed the four key challenges facing local chambers today. In addition, he gave the audience members a peek into the SOCA Dashboard and member projection calculator, two upcoming tools they can use to help them make progressive strategy changes.  

A Successful Annual Meeting in 2024 

The SOCA 2024 Annual Meeting was a raging success and we were so glad to have such a fantastic turnout! After the keynote speeches concluded, the Annual meeting wrapped up with awards and recognition to local leaders who went above and beyond this past year and some exit prizes to finish on a high note. 

If you missed this year's Annual Meeting, don't make the same mistake next year! This is an exciting event that offers local Chamber leaders and small business owners all the resources they need to thrive in the coming year.  

If you have questions about your SOCA membership or are looking to make the most of your benefits, click here to reach out to SOCA today! 

For all the latest updates on your benefits, follow SOCA on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn

Happy with the difference SOCA has made for your small business? Leave us a five-star review here! 


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