Teamworx/Professional Employer Organization (PEO)
The Southern Ohio Chamber Alliance provides an extensive range of programs to local businesses of all industries in Ohio. We invite you to view our PEO Program below.
(Please contact your Chamber to determine if they offer this benefit.)
Teamworx is a PEO (Professional Employer Organization), we process payroll, taxes, workers comp, and unemployment, as well as providing labor advice and safety services to our clients.
How are companies able to save money? By hiring Teamworx, companies are able to report payroll thru Teamworx Self-Insured policy, instead of going thru the State Fund. Teamworx actually can determine its own clients rates, not the BWC (Bureau of Workers Comp).
Allow Teamworx to perform a FREE REVIEW. We can help determine the financial impact of hiring a PEO. Just agree to a review or send back the Temporary Authorization (AC-3).
Businesses that would benefit the most from working with Teamworx:
- Larger State Fund Employers and growing companies
- Employers that are already outsourcing payroll
- Employers that have dealt with lawsuits or unemployment claims
- Employers that have an increase in workers comp premiums
First Step:
- Allow a FREE review (AC-3 Temporary Authorization). Teamworx will run preliminary numbers and give the employer a good idea how much they will save annually.
Please email me or contact me via phone 513.315.8834 James Baker